

I invite you to raise to God the following prayer:

Lord, Father of Mercy and the God of all consolation, in the immensity of your love look upon your faithful servant D.Carlos and soothe his sufferings, relieve his pain, free him from the anguish of his illness.

O Christ, physician of bodies and souls, watch over our sick and suffering brother and like the good Samaritan, pour on his wounds the oil of consolation and the wine of hope.

With the grace of your Spirit bting light to this difficult experience of sickness and pain, so that together our body and soul might be lifted in the act of your grace by the Father of all mercies.

May this illness help us increase our appreciation of the gift of life and for our Grand Master D. Carlos, we pray restore to him the gift of health so that together we may give you thanks and praise, now and forever.




Michele Pennisi

Arcivescovo di Monreale

Gran Priore Ecclesiastico dell’Ordine Militare Ospedaliero di San Lazzaro