Excmo. Sr. Don Carlos Gereda de Borbòn,
Marquès de Almazàn,
49° Prìncipe
Gran Maestre de la Orden O.S.L.J.
Excmo. Sr. Don Carlos Gereda de Borbòn, Marquès de Almazàn, 49° Prìncipe Gran Maestre de la Orden
Solenne Capitolo 2008 – Investitura del 49° Gran Maestro nella Cattedrale di Manchester
Il culmine del Solenne Capitolo di Manchester è stato celebrato con l’Investitura formale del 49° Gran Maestro, H.E. Don Carlos Gereda y de Borbòn; Marchese di Almazàn, svoltasi nella Cattedrale della città di Manchester.
Il Solenne Capitolo si è svolto nell’arco di tre giorni, come descritto dalla Costituzione e ha visto la partecipazione di membri del Gran Consiglio Magistrale, l’Emerito Gran Maestro, Cavalieri e Dame dell’Ordine, Gran Priori, i Capi di Giurisdizioni e di Delegati provenienti da tutto il mondo.
I membri erano vestiti con abiti cerimoniali completi del mantello dell’Ordine per un’Investitura impressionante. Sua Beatitudine il Patriarca Gregorio III, Protettore Spirituale dell’Ordine, è arrivato appositamente da Damasco ed è stato accompagnato dall’Arcivescovo di Gerusalemme a Manchester per celebrare l’Investitura del nuovo Gran Maestro dopo aver giurato sul giuramento dell’Ordine.
È stata una bellissima esperienza la partecipazione alla cerimonia, con le letture che hanno consentito ai membri dell’Ordine di pensare al significato storico dell’Ordine di San Lazzaro di Gerusalemme con i suoi 900 anni di storia.
Secondo l’articolo 8.2 della Costituzione, il Gran Maestro deve prestare giuramento in presenza del Protettore Spirituale nel corso di una delle riunioni del Solenne Capitolo. L’articolo 10 della Costituzione descrive che, per antica tradizione spirituale dell’Ordine, è Sua Beatitudine il Greco-Melchita, Patriarca Cattolico di Antiochia e di tutto l’Oriente di Alessandria e Gerusalemme nelle vesti di guardiano dell’integrità spirituale dell’Ordine, a dover provvedere al sostegno spirituale e alla guida dell’Ordine, con l’assistenza del Gran Priore Spirituale.
Circondato dai partecipanti Cappellani, Prelati e Alti Prelati dell’Ordine, l’Arcivescovo di Gerusalemme, il Gran Priore Ecclesiastico dell’Ordine (il Reverendo Canon Denby Paul) che ha ospitato la Cerimonia nella Cattedrale di Manchester e ha agito come Maestro della stessa, tutti i membri del Consiglio Magistrale, l’Emerito Gran Maestro Don Francisco de Borbòn (48° Gran Maestro), che ha assistito al giuramento del nuovo 49° Gran Maestro Sua Eccellenza Don Carlos de Gereda y de Borbòn, il Marchese di Almazàn, con queste parole:
“Io prometto solennemente davanti a Dio Onnipotente di onorare, sostenere e rispettare in ogni momento i suoi Sacri Comandamenti e di assicurarmi che essi siano accolti, venerati e rispettati per quanto è in mio potere; di amministrare e governare l’Ordine Militare e Ospitaliero di San Lazzaro di Gerusalemme, lealmente e fedelmente con il dovere e la dignità di Gran Maestro, e di sostenere la Costituzione, le leggi ed i costumi dell’Ordine, e di assicurarmi che le stesse siano accolte e rispettate da tutti i membri dell’Ordine. Aiutami, Dio.”
allora un membro del Gran Consiglio Magistrale ed un membro dei Capi delle Giurisdizioni hanno giurato la loro fedeltà al nuovo Gran Maestro. Dopo che il Gran Maestro ha prestato il suo giuramento d’ufficio si è inginocchiato di fronte a Sua Beatitudine Gregorio III, il quale ha benedetto il nuovo Capo Supremo dell’Ordine di San Lazzaro.
CG 2008 – Installation Service of the 49th Grandmaster in Manchester Cathedral
The highlight of the Manchester Chapter General was celebrated with the formal Installation of the 49th Grandmaster, H.E. Don Carlos Gereda y de Borbòn; Marquis de Almazàn, in the Cathedral of Manchester.
The Chapter General was held over three days having been duly called according to the Constitution and was attended by members of the Grand Magistral Council, the Grand Master Emeritus, Knights and Dames of the Order, Grand Priors, Heads of Jurisdictions and delegates from around the world. Members were attired in full ceremonial dress with mantles of the Order for the impressive Investiture Service. His Beatitude Patriarch Gregory III, Spiritual Protector of the Order arrived specially from Damascus and was accompanied by the Archbishop of Jerusalem to Manchester to install the new Grandmaster after he had been duly sworn in and taken the oath of the Order. It was very impressive moment in attending the ceremony and listening to the prayers and scripture readings which allowed the members of the Order to think of the historical significance of the occasion and of the 900 year old history of the Order of St. Lazarus of Jerusalem.
According to the Constitution Artile 8.2 The Grand Master must take the oath in presence of the Spiritual Protector in a meeting of either the Chapter General. Article 10 defines that by ancient tradition the Spiritual of the Order is His Beatitude the Melchite-Greek Catholic Patriarch of Antiochia and all the East of Alexandria and of Jerusalem as the guardian of the spiritual integrity of the Order to provide spiritual support and guidance of the Order, with the assistance of the Spiritual Grand Prior.
Surrounded by the attending Chaplains, Prelates and Senior Prelates of the Order, the Archbishop of Jerusalem, the Ecclesiastical Grand Prior for the Order the Reverend Canon Paul Denby, who was host in the Cathedral of Manchester and acted as Master of Ceremonies, all members of the Magistral Council, the Grandmaster emeritus Don Francisco de Borbón (48th Grand Master) witnessed the oath taken by the new 49th Grand Master His Excellency Don Carlos de Gereda y de Borbòn, Marquis de Almazàn with these words:
“I do solemnly promise before Almighty God to honour, uphold and observe at all times his Holy Commandments, and to ensure that they may be upheld, venerated, and observed as far as that may lie within my power; to administer and govern The Military and Hospitaller Order of St Lazarus of Jerusalem, loyalty and faithfully as becomes the duty and dignity of the Grand Master; and to uphold the Constitution, laws and custom of the Order, and to ensure that the same are upheld and observed by all members of the Order. So Help Me God.”
and then the a speaker of the Acting members of the Grand Magistral Council and another speaker of the Heads of Jurisdictions pledged their allegiance to the new Grand Master.
After the Grandmaster had taken his oath of office he knelt down, before His Beatitude Gregory III who blessed the new Supreme Head of the Order of St. Lazarus.
New Grand Master for Order of St Lazarus
Times of Malta – Oct 12, 2008c
The installation of the new Grand Master of the Military and Hospitaller Order of St Lazarus of Jerusalem recently took place at the Anglican Cathedral of Manchester, UK.
Don Carlos Gereda de Borbon, Marquis of Almazan was elected by a chapter general of the Order worldwide. Delegations represented Priories, Bailiwicks and Commanderies from Britain, European countries and also from USA, Canada, Australia, Mexico, Japan and South Africa.
The Grand Priory of the Maltese Islands Grand Cross Chev. Joseph R. Pace headed an eight-man delegation that participated throughout the event.
The solemn installation service included readings, communal prayers and hymns. A homily was delivered by Gregorious III Leham, spiritual protector of the Order and patriarch of the Greek Catholic Melchite Church.
The chapter general was organised by the Grand Bailiwick of England and Wales. It was chaired by the Grand Commander Chev. David James.
The activities ended at a gala dinner where Maltese Grand Prior presented the Grand Master, as well as Grand Master Emeritus and His Beatitude Patriarch Gregorios III with a signed copy of a book about the Order’s chequered history The Hospitaller Knights of St Lazarus by Grand Priory Hospitaller Charles Savona Ventura which was published in Malta by the Grand Priory.
Deputy commander Geoff Fosberry who has been appointed grand chancellor emeritus of the Order of St Lazarus.
Times of Malta – Sept 28, 2008
A seven-strong delegation from the Grand Commandery of the Castello participated in a three-day chapter general meeting of the Military and Hospitaller Order of St Lazarus of Jerusalem.
The delegation was led by deputy commander Geoff Fosberry, who for the last four years also occupied the position of grand chancellor of the Order.
Held in Manchester, UK, the chapter general was attended by Order members from Australia, USA, Canada, Mexico, and South Africa as well as from European countries.
The highlight of the event was the installation of Almazan Marquis Don Carlos Gereda de Borbon, as the new grand master of the Military and Hospitaller Order of St Lazarus of Jerusalem. The investiture was led by Jerusalem Archbishop Joseph Zerey.
During the chapter general, the previous grand master, Duke of Seville Don Francisco de Borbon y Escasany, was appointed grand master emeritus. The chapter general also appointed Chev. Geoff Fosberry as grand chancellor emeritus.
The highlight of the Manchester Chapter General was celebrated with the formal Installation of the 49th Grandmaster, H.E. Don Carlos Gereda y de Borbón, Marquis de Almazàn, in the Cathedral of Manchester.
Surrounded by the Spiritual Protector His Betitude Patriarch Gregory III, the attending Chaplains, Prelates and Senior Prelates of the Order, the Archbishop of Jerusalem, the Ecclesiastical Grand Prior for the Order the Reverend Canon Paul Denby, who was host in the Cathedral of Manchester and acted as Master of Ceremonies, all members of the Magistral Council, the Grandmaster emeritus Don Francisco de Borbón (48th Grand Master) witnessed the oath taken by the new 49th Grand Master His Excellency Don Carlos de Gereda y de Borbòn, Marquis de Almazàn.
The Military and Hospitaller Order of St. Lazarus of Jerusalem is one of the Orders of Chivalry created at the time of the First Crusade. The Order was founded in 1099 and till today is an international, Christian ecumenical Order of chivalry to respect the traditional values of Christian faith, to care, help and assist poor, ill and persons in need – specially afflicted with leprosy; to work for unification of Christians, to follow the teaching of Christ. All members of the Order must be Christians.
The Order traditionally was under the protection of the French Kings, actually is under the spiritual protection of His Beatitude Gregorios III , Patriarch of Melkite Greek Catholic Church, of the cities of Antioch, Alexandria and Jerusalem.
The head of the Order is a Grand Master elected by the Chapter General.
The 49th Grand Master of the Order is H.E. Don Carlos Gereda y de Borbon, Marquis de Almazàn.
Grand Prior of England & Wales: The Rt. Hon. the Earl Ferrers PC GCLJ GCrLJ DL